Washington County Board of Education meeting will be Tuesday, July 25 2023, 6:00 p.m. at 509 Adams Street, Plymouth, NC.
Please join the meeting by clicking the following link: https://youtube.com/live/tQjOp3cn57o?feature=share
Agenda will be available Monday, July 24, 2023.
AIG CAMP DAY 2 was all about tornados. Scholars created models to display their new knowledge.
AIG CAMP DAY 1 Scholars learned about Climate Conquerers. Global Warming and its affects on the earth. Molecules elements were broken down and each Scholars designed the molecules constructing models.
¡SALUDOS! Los padres, tutores y estudiantes asisten a la CASA ABIERTA DE WCHS para conocer a los nuevos administradores, profesores y personal. Nos estamos preparando para un año escolar muy exitoso. #PANTERAS
GREETINGS! Parents, Guardians and Scholars come out to the WCHS OPEN HOUSE to meet the new Administrators, Faculty and Staff. We are preparing for a very successful school year. #PANTHERS
WCHS hosted two local business owners at today's CTE camp. Students heard how two graduates from Washington County Schools paved their way to success. The students walked away inspired by the speakers' creativity, determination, and skills. Thank you to our business partners for pouring into our students and making today possible. #CTEworks
Todavía hay tiempo para inscribir a los estudiantes en WCS Pre-K para el año escolar 2023-2024. Asegúrese de enviar toda la solicitud completa y la documentación necesaria a la Oficina de la Junta de Educación.
Atletas de las Escuelas del Condado de Washington
Exámenes físicos deportivos gratuitos serán el: 25 y 26 de julio de 2023 y 1 y 2 de agosto de 2023
112 Adams St
Plymouth NC 27962
Complete el formulario antes del examen físico para garantizar un proceso sin problemas.
**Washington County Schools Athletes** Free Sports Physical Exams will be on: July 25 & 26, 2023 & August 1 & 2, 2023 **Plymouth Office** AGAPE CHC 112 Adams Street Plymouth, NC 27962 Please have the form filled out prior to the Physical Exam to ensure a smooth process.
Washington County Schools Substitute Teachers are preparing for the new school year during Refresher Session.
WCHS JROTC Cadets had opportunity to meet with Town Mayor, Town Manager, City Council, County Commissioners, Chief of Police and Pastors. Cadets shared recommendations to bring to WC to keep youth active during the summer that would benefit the youth. ARMY STRONG!
Washington County Early College High School Freshman Camp. Scholars are adjusting to their new school while meeting their new teachers.
There is still time to register students for WCS Pre-K for the 2023-2024 school year. Be sure to submit all of the completed application and necessary documentation to the Board of Education Office.
CTE CAREER CAMP DAY 3 - Scholars matriculated through sessions today. Foods Session learned how to prepare veggies and dips. STEM session learned to construct pyramids and bridges. Babysitting learned about CPR procedures and techniques.
CONGRATULATIONS to all Staff Members and Administrators for working diligently to complete the required modules and earning a certificate of completion LETRS Job well done! Some Staff Members were not pictured.
Day 2 of CTE Summer Camp at WCMS: Scholars enjoyed a blend of activities ranging from tasting new flavors (Foods), making choice boards for a day in daycare without technology (Child Development), learning aviation tricks (Drones), age-appropriate make-up techniques (Cosmetology) and more! There are still two days left for rising 6th-8th graders to sign up! Interested?! Sign up below! https://portal.bellxcel.org/washington-county-schools/#/register?aid=XZz3cogB7-72UY1fc0LP
Please join the WCS Board of Education at their bi-monthly public session tonight, beginning at 6pm @ 509 Adams Street, Plymouth, NC. You can also view the meeting via livestream here: https://youtube.com/live/dcu5eA00ztA?feature=share
Please join us for the board of education meeting tonight at 6pm. You can join in person at 509 Adams Street, Plymouth, NC or live-stream at this link: https://youtube.com/live/WHDRx0189YA?feature=share
Current/New Substitute Orientation will be held on July 11-12 at 10am-1pm at the Pre-K Roper building. You must attend one of the dates provided to pursue employment for the 2023-2024 school year. You can only attend one session.
All current subs please check your emails for the link to confirm a date of orientation attendance.
New Subs must complete the Online Substitute 101 course at http://www.wresa.org, before attending orientation. For more information on how to become a substitute for WCS, please visit https://www.wcsnc.org/page/employment.
For more information on employment or orientation you can contact Ms. Claytreane Chesson at 252-793-5171 ext. 1113.
“When all else fails, take a vacation.” - Betty Williams
Summer is finally here! We want to express our gratitude for your hard work throughout the year. We hope you find moments to relax, recharge, and truly enjoy the summer season. One of the benefits of Care Solace is that WCS students, WCS staff, and WCS families can access our services year-round. If you or someone you know needs help with mental health and substance use, Care Solace will quickly and confidentially find available providers matched to your needs 24/7, 365. Call 888-515-0595 or visit caresolace.com/wcsnc