Career & Technical Education (CTE)

Welcome to the Washington County Schools Career and Technical Education Webpage!
Career and Technical Education is an educational model that helps students discover their skills and passions related to career development. CTE aligns secondary and post-secondary education to labor market demand and provides students with the technical, academic, and employability knowledge and skills they need for success.
Who Takes CTE Classes?
Students who:
Want to have hands-on experience in their future career
Want a head start with work-based learning
Want tuition free courses that are costly after graduation
Want a well paying job
Want skills to be successful in college
Want to explore careers and special interests
When Selecting Your Career Path:
Think about:
What interests me most?
What am I good at?
What are my favorite subjects in school?
What values are important to me?
What are my career interests?
Benefits of CTE:
DROPOUT PREVENTION: CTE students are more motivated and interested in their coursework because of its connection to the real world.
BETTER CAREER PROSPECTS: CTE students participate in programs that lead to employment in high-skill, high-wage, high demand occupations or professions.
CREDENTIALING: Students can earn various credentials to be more marketable in the employment arena .
COLLEGE CREDIT: Students who enroll at a community college within two years of their high school graduation date can receive college credit for specified courses but must meet given criteria.
Let CTE help you find your skills and passions through….
Work-based Learning (WBL):
WBL includes opportunities that allow schools to go beyond the classroom and into the community to develop student competencies. Such opportunities include:
Job Shadowing
Career Fairs
Guest Speakers
College Tours
Business Tours
Career and Technical Organizations (CTSOs):
Students who participate in CTSOs demonstrate higher levels of academic engagement, career self efficiency, and employability skills. The more students participate in CTSO activities, the better the results. It’s the fun part!
FBLA-Future Business Leaders of America
FCCLA-Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
HOSA-Health Occupations Students of America
FFA-Future Farmers of America
Skills USA– Trade and Industry