COLLEGE 101 NIGHT: BCCC will be hosting College 101 at WCECHS in the MEDIA CENTER on April 18, 2024 at 6:00 pm. This meeting is for all newly accepted WCECHS students, WCHS students who will be participating in College and Career Promise and any student who wants to know more about what BCCC has to offer.
11 months ago, Terri Gallop
The WCS Substitute Refresher Training Class will be held at the Pre-K Building in Roper, NC on July 9-11, 2024 from 10:00 am-1:00 pm. Substitutes can sign up for either of the 3 days but you must complete one of those sessions to work for the 2024-2025 school year. Current substitutes need to check your email for the link. New substitutes will need to have the online Substitute 101 Class completed and a copy of their substitute certificate to be admitted to refresher/orientation class. Seating is limited to 25 people per session. Sign up now for your preferred session.
11 months ago, Terri Gallop
Sub Refresher Training Flier
Sub Teacher
Gazing at the Eclipse using the specially designed glasses. It was an awesome to see the sun and the moon at the same time crossing paths. The scholars were excited to see it.
11 months ago, WCS Communications
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Eclipse 2
Eclipse 3
Eclipse 4
Eclipse 5
Eclipse 6
Pines Elementary School in partnership with Duke Energy welcomes scholars and families for a night of science and fun! Join us in exploring science, technology, engineering and mathematics through engaging hands-on activities such as making UV Bracelets, testing Paper Flying Machines, creating Sound Sandwiches, and much more! Come on out to support PES as they explore an evening of science!
11 months ago, Terri Gallop
PES Duke Energy
WCS District Level Battle of the Books was a huge success. Congratulations to each team representing Pines Elementary School and Creswell Elementary School. These scholars have worked very diligently preparing for this contest. Thank you to each principal and advisor for affording these scholars an awesome opportunity to showcase their knowledge. Job Well Done!
11 months ago, WCS Communications
DEA Academy & FBI Academy - The electronic image played on video monitors throughout the Academy today for everyone in the facility to see. WCHS JROTC Panther Battalion Cadets and Washington Co. Law Enforcement Explorers Post #0358 were afforded an experience to remember.
11 months ago, WCS Communications
The Washington County Explorers and the WCHS JROTC Panther Battalion Cadets were on their Spring Break trip. They were afforded the opportunity to tour the Pentagon in Washington, DC.
11 months ago, WCS Communications
JROTC Pentagon
Congratulations are in order for two of our WCS scholars as recipients of the NC Governor's School opportunity. Karalise Mai of WCECHS for the Superintendent's choice in Social Studies and Tyzhae Williams of WCHS for Natural Science. Enjoy every aspect of your experience as you prepare for future endeavors.
11 months ago, WCS Communications
T Williams
K Mai
Washington County Schools appreciates each of our custodians not only during National Cleaning Week which takes place March 24–30, 2024, but everyday. This week-long event is hosted by ISSA, the worldwide cleaning industry association, is a global celebration to honor frontline cleaning professionals and raise awareness of the value of clean. Please take a few moments to show your appreciation to our most valued custodial staff.
11 months ago, Terri Gallop
2024 Custodial Staff
Thank You to our awesome support system, WCS Retired Educators, members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated and staff from Plymouth Police Department. Each individual volunteered their precious resources with our scholars at Pines Elementary School during READ ACROSS AMERICA! We greatly appreciate you all for answering the call in giving back to WCS. Each scholar was very attentive and participated in the question and answer segment. Choose a good book and read at least 30 minutes everyday. We look forward to your continued support of WCS.
11 months ago, Terri Gallop
🌟🔬 Get Ready for an Epic Adventure! CES Science Night Starts Today! 🔬 Hello Mighty CES Tiger Cub Families! 🐾 Don't forget to mark your calendars because the much-awaited CES Science Night is finally happening today! 🎉 Join us from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm for an evening filled with mind-blowing experiments, exciting demonstrations, and unforgettable memories! 🚀🔍 Get ready to ignite your curiosity, unleash your inner scientist, and have a blast with your fellow Tiger Cubs! 🌟🔬 We would like to encourage everyone to wear our school colors: orange, blue and white if possible and if not no worries! See you there, ready to explore the wonders of science together! 🎉🐯 #CESScienceNight #MightyTigerCubs #FunWithScience 🌟🔬 Thank you for everything that you do each and every day for our Mighty Tiger Cubs. Enjoy Your Day!!! Principal Carmack
11 months ago, Terri Gallop
CES Science Fair
Moving day is coming this fall! WCS will be transitioning to our new unified campus soon and to help, Superintendent Dr. White has a quick video message for you! Take a moment to listen and share your thoughts at next week's community meetings
12 months ago, WCS Chief Tech Officer
school construction image
Pines Elementary is excited to announce our Duke Energy Science Night on April 18, 2024 at 5:00PM. Join us in exploring science, technology, engineering and mathematics through engaging hands-on activities such as making UV Bracelets, testing Paper Flying Machines, creating Sound Sandwiches, and much more! We look forward to seeing you there.
12 months ago, Terri Gallop
PES DUKE Science Night
WCMS 6th-grade scholars had the privilege of exploring the North Carolina Central University campus. Their adventure was centered around the BRITE (Biomanufacturing Research Institute and Technology Enterprise) program. During this visit, they engaged in a fascinating activity where they extracted their own DNA. This experience culminated in an insightful debriefing session where they discussed how a long strand of DNA fits within a nucleus, the reasons behind using sports drinks over water, the role of lysis solutions in disrupting the cell membrane, and the factors that make DNA visible in the lysate. To commemorate this experience, they crafted necklaces containing their DNA to share with their parents and guardians. Additionally, the scholars participated in a Pipette Challenge, honing their skills in accurately picking up tips and samples. This excursion was an excellent opportunity for our students to dive into hands-on learning, offering them an early glimpse into the world of biomanufacturing and research. #HandsOnLearning #EarlyExposure
12 months ago, WCS Communications
Congratulations to our WCS Board of Education Members on receiving awards from the NCSBA Academy of School Boardsmanship. The recognitions were presented by Interim Superintendent, Dr. David O. White to Ms. Vanessa Cherry a Certificate of Achievement, Ms. Lois Clark an Award of Excellence, Mrs. Sherri Blount Gilliam a Certificate of Merit, Mr. Fred Norman a Bronze Award and Mr. Carlos Riddick an Award of Distinction.
12 months ago, Terri Gallop
Ms. Cherry
Ms. Clark
Mr. Norman
Mr. Riddick
Parents, Guardians and Scholars this is a friendly reminder to come out this evening to the WCMS Curriculum Night today from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm. There will be presentations, information, board games, test taking strategies, student led gallery walk and so much more. See you there!
12 months ago, Terri Gallop
The excitement is in the air! Pines Elementary School Sneaker Ball will be April 12, 2024 from 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm. There are still tickets available for Scholars to purchase for this wonderful event. Monies are due by March 22, 2024. Please show your support with the fundraising efforts. Contact Ms. S. Bennett at PES for more information.
12 months ago, Terri Gallop
Sneaker Ball
CONGRATULATIONS Ms. Vernessa Nobles on your retirement from Washington County Schools. You have invested many years, months and countless hours with our scholars, staff and families sharing your expertise, gifts and talents At Washington County Middle School. With Beaver and Panther Pride, enjoy your retirement!
12 months ago, WCS Communications
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Calling all parents, students, staff, and community members your feedback is needed. The WCS Calendar Committee has drafted 2 proposed calendars for the 2024-2025 school year. Please take the time to review each calendar option and provide your feedback. To access the survey, please visit: The deadline to complete the survey is Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.
12 months ago, Terri Gallop
Thank You to the many volunteers and scholars from Ms. Cherry's Class who shared their gifts and talents and the resource of time during READ ACROSS AMERICA at Creswell Elementary School. You all are much appreciated and valued. We look forward to you coming again to read with our scholars.
12 months ago, WCS Communications
 CES 3