WCHS participated in Drone Technology Summit in Washington, NC with a chance to witness live drone demonstrations and engage aviation industry professionals. The event provided insights into diverse drone-related careers, practical flight skills even featuring drone soccer game.
over 1 year ago, WCS Communications
Drone 1
Drone 2
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Drone 8
As Per SGM Arnold: Due to the anticipated weather conditions, The JROTC Panther Battalion will not perform in the River Fest Parade in Columbia, NC on Saturday, October 14, 2023. Thank you.
over 1 year ago, WCS Communications
Pines Elementary School celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with performances, presentations and Artwork. Great Parent and Staff turnout for the TITLE 1 Night.
over 1 year ago, WCS Communications
October is NATIONAL PRINCIPAL'S APPRECIATION MONTH! Washington County Schools celebrates each of our Principals during this month. Ms. Victoria Fields at WCECHS, Mr. Torrey Hines at WCHS, Mrs. Dianne Stokes at WCMS, Mr. Tracy Peele at PES and Ms. Jai'la Carmack at CES. Thank You for all that you do everyday in the lives of Scholars, Families and Staff. Continue to be a CHAMPION in the lives of others.
over 1 year ago, Terri Gallop
WCS Principals
Please support Pines Elementary School Scholars and Staff raise funds by purchasing POPCORN through their fundraiser. Everyone may participate. We thank you in advance for your support. https://supportmyfundraiser.org/store/store.php?sID=00510412
over 1 year ago, WCS Communications
Fire Prevention Week™ (FPW™) campaign, “Cooking safety starts with YOU. Pay attention to fire prevention™,” works to educate everyone about simple but important actions they can take to keep themselves and those around them safer when cooking. We have created a series of products and online resources to help effectively and safely promote this year’s FPW theme. In the months ahead, we’ll continue to share creative ideas for helping make your FPW efforts as impactful as possible. During Fire Prevention Week it is a time to focus on fire safety and prevention measures. Firefighters provide lifesaving public education in an effort to drastically decrease casualties caused by fires. October 8-14, 2023
over 1 year ago, Terri Gallop
Fire Prevention Week
Thank You Elizabeth City State University ROTC Program and LTC J. Kendrick for hosting 2nd Annual Cadet Challenge. We are extremely proud of each JROTC Cadet and their leadership who travels and actively participated in each event. You All Are Winners! Job Well Done!
over 1 year ago, Terri Gallop
Pines Elementary School celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month with an Immersion Spirit Week full of activities and presentations. Each day scholars and staff will have the opportunity experience a diverse activity. Thank you Mrs. Delgado for leading the way.
over 1 year ago, Terri Gallop
Hispanic Heritage Week
PES TITLE 1 Accountability Night
Thank You Elizabeth City State University ROTC Program and LTC J. Kendrick for hosting 2nd Annual Cadet Challenge. We are extremely proud of each JROTC Cadet and their leadership who travels and actively participated in each event. You All Are Winners! Job Well Done!
over 1 year ago, WCS Communications
Dear WCHS & WCECHS Parents/Guardians and Staff, Washington County Schools has made a revision in our High School Academic Calendar to better meet the needs of our students and to differentiate instruction. NC Check-Ins for Biology, English II, Math I, and Math III will be October 9 - 11, 2023, which will allow us to measure student progress towards mastering the standards in these courses. Thursday, October 12, 2023 will shift from an early release day to a day off for students and a mandatory workday for all instructional staff. Teachers will engage in a data and planning session from 8:30 am - 11:30 am. Report Card pickup at both Washington County High School and Washington County Early College will remain on the calendar from 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm. We thank you in advance for your continued support toward your students' success. Sincerely, Dr. David O. White Interim Superintendent
over 1 year ago, WCS Communications
🔊¡¡¡Está en vivo!!! ¡Consulte la lista de colegios y universidades que eximen sus tarifas de solicitud durante la Semana de Solicitud Universitaria, del 16 al 20 de octubre! Recuerde, DEBE COMENZAR en CFNC.org para que no se le apliquen tarifas. Visite CFNC.org/C2C para obtener más información sobre las sesiones de estudiantes durante octubre. #CFNC #aplicacionesuniversitarias #admisionesuniversitarias #ncc2c #applytocollege
over 1 year ago, WCS Communications
🔊إنه مباشر !!! تحقق من قائمة الكليات والجامعات التي تتنازل عن رسوم التقديم خلال أسبوع التقديم للكلية، 16-20 أكتوبر! تذكر أنه يجب أن تبدأ في CFNC.org حتى يتم التنازل عن الرسوم. قم بزيارة CFNC.org/C2C لمزيد من المعلومات حول جلسات الطلاب طوال شهر أكتوبر. #CFNC #collegeapplications #collegeadmissions #ncc2c #applytocollege
over 1 year ago, WCS Communications
🔊It’s live!!! Check out the list of colleges and universities waiving their application fees during College Application Week, October 16-20! Remember, you MUST START at CFNC.org for fees to be waived. Visit CFNC.org/C2C for more information on student sessions throughout October. #CFNC #collegeapplications #collegeadmissions #ncc2c #applytocollege
over 1 year ago, WCS Communications
Transformar la forma en que los académicos enfrentan los desafíos. Desde el momento en que nuestros alumnos ingresan al gimnasio, el cautivador artista los lleva en un viaje de 45 minutos lleno de humor, yo-yo y trucos de magia, títeres y narraciones. La asamblea presenta a un niño de dibujos animados llamado NED que tiene una misión muy importante: encontrar su forma de pensar. Guiado por pistas y personajes memorables, supera los obstáculos más difíciles del Monte Everest, descubre tesoros internos en una isla del Caribe y hace crecer su cerebro mientras repara una nave espacial que chisporrotea. A lo largo de la actuación, nuestros alumnos descubren cómo activar su mentalidad de crecimiento para superar desafíos sociales, emocionales y académicos. Inspirar a los estudiantes a: NUNCA darse por vencidos: comprender el poder del todavía. ANIMA a los demás: expresa valentía en otras personas. HAGA lo mejor que pueda: esté siempre aprendiendo y creciendo.
over 1 year ago, Terri Gallop
تحويل كيفية مواجهة العلماء للتحديات. منذ اللحظة التي يدخل فيها طلابنا إلى صالة الألعاب الرياضية، يأخذهم المؤدي الآسر في رحلة مدتها 45 دقيقة مليئة بالفكاهة واليويو والخدع السحرية وعروض الدمى ورواية القصص. يقدم التجمع صبيًا كرتونيًا يُدعى NED يقوم بمهمة مهمة جدًا: العثور على عقليته. بمساعدة القرائن والشخصيات التي لا تُنسى، يتغلب على أصعب عقبات جبل إيفرست، ويكتشف الكنوز الداخلية في جزيرة كاريبية، وينمو عقله أثناء إصلاح سفينة فضائية متهالكة. طوال العرض، يكتشف علمائنا كيفية تفعيل عقلية النمو لديهم للتغلب على التحديات الاجتماعية والعاطفية والأكاديمية. إلهام الطلاب بما يلي: عدم الاستسلام أبدًا - فهم قوة ما هو موجود الآن. تشجيع الآخرين - تحدث بالشجاعة في الآخرين. ابذل قصارى جهدك - كن دائمًا تتعلم وتنمو.
over 1 year ago, Terri Gallop
Transform how scholars face challenges. From the moment our scholars enter the gym, the captivating performer takes them on a 45-minute journey filled with humor, yo-yo and magic tricks, puppetry, and storytelling. The assembly introduces a cartoon boy named NED who is on a very important mission: to find his mindset. Led by clues and memorable characters, he overcomes Mt. Everest’s toughest obstacles, uncovers inner-treasures on a Caribbean Island, and grows his brain while repairing a sputtering spaceship. Throughout the performance, our scholars discover how to activate their growth mindset to overcome social, emotional and academic challenges. Inspiring students to: NEVER give up - understand the Power of Yet. ENCOURAGE others - Speak courage in other people. DO your best - Always be learning and growing.
over 1 year ago, Terri Gallop
FELICIDADES a cada uno de nuestros candidatos y ganadores de WCHS y WCECHS HOMECOMING 2023-2024 en sus respectivas categorías. Todos ustedes son ganadores. ¡Gracias a la administración, profesores y personal por un gran regreso a casa!
over 1 year ago, WCS Communications
تهانينا لكل من المرشحين والفائزين في WCHS و WCECHS HOMECOMING 2023-2024 في الفئات الخاصة بك. أنتم جميعا فائزون. شكرًا للإدارة وأعضاء هيئة التدريس والموظفين على العودة الرائعة!
over 1 year ago, WCS Communications
CONGRATULATIONS to each of our WCHS and WCECHS HOMECOMING 2023-2024 candidates and winners in your respective categories. You all are winners. Thank you to the administration, faculty and staff for a great homecoming!
over 1 year ago, WCS Communications
تهانينا لمرشحي الرابطة الحكومية لطلاب المدارس المتوسطة في مقاطعة واشنطن في حملتكم الانتخابية لشغل مناصب والفائزين لانتخابكم للعمل في الأدوار الخاصة بكم. شكرًا لك السيد بوسطن والسيدة باربر على قيادتك في توجيه طلابنا وقادتنا اليوم لاستخدام أصواتهم لتمثيل الجسم الطلابي في تعاون الأفكار والاقتراحات مع إدارة المدرسة. ليبدأ التخطيط للعام الدراسي 2023-2024.
over 1 year ago, Terri Gallop