Estimados padres/tutores y personal de WCHS y WCECHS: Las Escuelas del Condado de Washington han realizado una revisión en nuestro Calendario Académico de Escuela Secundaria para satisfacer mejor las necesidades de nuestros estudiantes y diferenciar la instrucción. Los controles de Carolina del Norte para Biología, Inglés II, Matemáticas I y Matemáticas III serán del 9 al 11 de octubre de 2023, lo que nos permitirá medir el progreso de los estudiantes hacia el dominio de los estándares en estos cursos. El jueves 12 de octubre de 2023 pasará de un día de salida temprana a un día libre para los estudiantes y un día laboral obligatorio para todo el personal docente. Los maestros participarán en una sesión de datos y planificación de 8:30 am a 11:30 am. La recogida de boletas de calificaciones tanto en la escuela secundaria del condado de Washington como en el colegio temprano del condado de Washington permanecerá en el calendario de 2:00 p. m. a 6:00 p. m. Le agradecemos de antemano su continuo apoyo hacia el éxito de sus estudiantes. Atentamente, Dr. David O. Blanco Superintendente interino
about 1 year ago, WCS Communications
Dear WCHS & WCECHS Parents/Guardians and Staff, Washington County Schools has made a revision in our High School Academic Calendar to better meet the needs of our students and to differentiate instruction. NC Check-Ins for Biology, English II, Math I, and Math III will be October 9 - 11, 2023, which will allow us to measure student progress towards mastering the standards in these courses. Thursday, October 12, 2023 will shift from an early release day to a day off for students and a mandatory workday for all instructional staff. Teachers will engage in a data and planning session from 8:30 am - 11:30 am. Report Card pickup at both Washington County High School and Washington County Early College will remain on the calendar from 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm. We thank you in advance for your continued support toward your students' success. Sincerely, Dr. David O. White Interim Superintendent
about 1 year ago, WCS Communications
Embracing the spirit of National Principals Month, we shine a spotlight on Mr. Hines, our dedicated Principal at Washington County High School (WCHS). His visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to the success of every student are the guiding lights illuminating the path to excellence at WCHS. Join us in celebrating and honoring Mr. Hines for his tireless dedication and inspirational impact on our school community. #PanthersonthePROWL #LeadershipInAction
about 1 year ago, Cordelia Breiner
NPM 2023
With the invaluable resources provided by the ESL-Multilingual (ML) Department, students at WCHS are currently engaged in a transformative STEM project entitled 'Apply Critical Thinking by Assembling Solar Robots'. This endeavor not only enhances their understanding of essential scientific principles but also nurtures their imaginative prowess, particularly in the realm of space exploration. We extend our sincere gratitude to Mr. Gonzalez, the esteemed district MLL instructor, for his exemplary leadership in guiding this enriching experience for our WCHS students.
about 1 year ago, Cordelia Breiner
Students 01
Students 02
Solar Robot kit
FELICIDADES a cada uno de nuestros candidatos y ganadores de WCHS y WCECHS HOMECOMING 2023-2024 en sus respectivas categorías. Todos ustedes son ganadores. ¡Gracias a la administración, profesores y personal por un gran regreso a casa!
about 1 year ago, WCS Communications
تهانينا لكل من المرشحين والفائزين في WCHS و WCECHS HOMECOMING 2023-2024 في الفئات الخاصة بك. أنتم جميعا فائزون. شكرًا للإدارة وأعضاء هيئة التدريس والموظفين على العودة الرائعة!
about 1 year ago, WCS Communications
CONGRATULATIONS to each of our WCHS and WCECHS HOMECOMING 2023-2024 candidates and winners in your respective categories. You all are winners. Thank you to the administration, faculty and staff for a great homecoming!
about 1 year ago, WCS Communications
يمكن للجميع أن يأخذوا جزءا! يرجى النظر في تقديم هدية الحياة خلال حملة WCHS JROTC Blood Drive السنوية. انظر النشرة لمزيد من المعلومات.
about 1 year ago, Terri Gallop
Please click one of the links below for the preferred language of the September News Letter English -
about 1 year ago, Terri Gallop
¡Todos pueden participar! Considere dar el regalo de la vida durante la donación de sangre anual WCHS JROTC. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información.
about 1 year ago, WCS Communications
Please click one of the links below for the preferred language of the September News Letter. عربي (Arabic) -
about 1 year ago, Terri Gallop
Please click one of the links below for the preferred language of the September News Letter. عربي (Arabic) -
about 1 year ago, Terri Gallop
Arabic New Letter Sept
Please click one of the links below for the preferred language of the September News Letter. Espanol
about 1 year ago, Terri Gallop
Spanish News Letter Sept
Everyone can take a part! Please consider giving the gift of life during the annual WCHS JROTC Blood Drive. See the flier for more information.
about 1 year ago, WCS Communications
Please click one of the links below for the preferred language of the September News Letter English -
about 1 year ago, Terri Gallop
Eng Sept News Letter
Dear Washington County Schools’ Family, All Washington County Schools will be open on regular schedule tomorrow, Monday September 25th. We pray that everyone made it safe and sound through the weekend. Thank you, Dr. David O. White Interim Superintendent Washington County Schools
about 1 year ago, WCS Communications
Dear Washington County Schools’ Family, The National Hurricane Center has issued a tropical storm warning for parts of the East Coast to include North Eastern North Carolina. This means tropical storm force winds and heavy rainfalls are expected in the next 36 hours. Therefore, all Washington County Schools will be closed tomorrow, Friday, September 22nd to include all extracurricular activities. We will keep you updated regarding next weeks’ schedule and as always, the safety of our students and staff is our top priority. Thank you, Dr. David O. White Interim Superintendent Washington County Schools
over 1 year ago, Terri Gallop
School Closed
El dentista móvil estará en PES/WCMS-9/27-9/29, CES-10/9-10/12, WCHS 10/10-10/11. Harán cualquier trabajo que sea necesario cuando se atienda al Académico. Padres, completen el registro antes de la visita. Puede completar el registro en línea en o escanear el código con su teléfono que se encuentra en el formulario dental. Atentamente, Sylvia M. Britt BSN, RN, NCSN Washington Co. Enfermera escolar
over 1 year ago, Terri Gallop
في PES/WCMS- 9/27-9/29، CES- 10/9-10/12، WCHS 10/10-10/11. سوف يقومون بأي عمل يجب القيام به عند رؤية الباحث. يرجى من ولي الأمر إكمال التسجيل قبل الزيارة. يمكن للمرء إكمال التسجيل عبر الإنترنت على أو مسح الرمز ضوئيًا بهاتفك الموجود في نموذج طب الأسنان. مع خالص التقدير، سيلفيا إم بريت BSN، RN، NCSN Washington Co. ممرضة المدرسة
over 1 year ago, Terri Gallop
The Mobile Dentist will be at PES/WCMS- 9/27-9/29, CES- 10/9-10/12, WCHS 10/10-10/11 . They will do any work that needs to be done when the Scholar is seen. Parent(s), please complete the registration before the visit. One can complete the registration online at or scan the code with your phone that is on the dental form. Sincerely, Sylvia M. Britt BSN, RN, NCSN Washington Co. School Nurse
over 1 year ago, Terri Gallop