Tiger  Cub


Students, Families, Staff and Community Stakeholders!  I am Principal Gallop, at Creswell Elementary School with a few reminder announcements.

We have two more school days before we are out of school for the Christmas Holiday Break.

This evening we will have our TITLE 1 Family Night with performances by our students, updates on important information, music and refreshments.  We are looking forward to having a wonderful time. 

If you have not set up a Parent Portal, please use this link: https://washingtonco.powerschool.com/public/ to do so.  Please set up a parent account. The directions are below. Instructions and passwords have been sent home to aid in that process.  If you need help with this, please schedule an appointment with the school.

Progress Report will be issued Tuesday, December 20, 2022.

Read at least 20 minutes a day with your child or children and have them read to you. Ask them to explain to you what they have read for comprehension.  Have them share with you each day what they have learned in school. It is very important to be in school each day from the beginning to the end to receive instruction.  Please encourage Students who ride the School Bus to put on their seatbelt, stay in their assigned seat until it is time for them to exit the bus and to use their inside voice. Please continue to be a CHAMPION in the lives of others everyday.  Thank you and enjoy the remainder of your day.  GO AND GROW TIGER CUBS!!