Who Should I Contact?
Health and Wellness Questions?
Judy Cage - School Nurse
(252) 797-7474 - ask to be transferred
Front Desk/General Questions?
Lois Bell-Jones - Secretary
(252) 797-7474
Enrollment Questions?
Dina Brown- Acting School Guidance Counselor
(252) 797-7474 - ask to be transferred
Food Service and Nutrition Questions?
Regina Jones- School Nutrition Manager
Chromebook Questions?
Quinita Cahoon
(252) 797-7474 - ask to be transferred
Google Classroom Questions?
Quinita Cahoon
(252) 797-7474 - ask to be transferred
General Technology Questions?
Quinita Cahoon
(252) 797-7474 - ask to be transferred
Exceptional Children (EC) Questions?
Edith Ledda- School EC Teacher
(252) 797-7474 - ask to be transferred
Social/Emotional Questions?
Dina Brown- Acting School Guidance Counselor
(252) 797-7474 - ask to be transferred
Student Well-Being Questions?
Dina Brown- Acting School Guidance Counselor
(252) 797-7474 - ask to be transferred
Title 1 Questions?
Jai'La Carmack-Principal
(252) 797-7474 - ask to be transferred
AIG Questions?
Margaret Ambrose- Instructional Coach
(252) 797-7474 - ask to be transferred
Math Interventionist Questions?
Margaret Ambrose- Instructional Coach
(252) 797-7474 - ask to be transferred
Dual Language Questions?
Nivia Nolasco- 5th Grade Dual Language Teacher
(252) 797-7474 - ask to be transferred
Gabriel Matute- First Grade Dual Language Teacher
(252) 797-7474 - ask to be transferred