DECEMBER 12, 2022
Students, Families, Staff and Community Stakeholders! I am Principal Gallop, at Creswell Elementary School with a few announcements for the week of December 12th - December 16th:
Character Education Trait for this week is KINDNESS. Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
We have seven more School Days before we are out of school for the Christmas Holiday Break. To share in the HOLIDAY Spirit each day for the next 5 Days we will have a different theme for the day if your child or children would like to participate!
Monday, December 12, 2022 - HOLIDAY HEADWEAR - “There must have been some magic in that old silk hat they found. . .” Wear your favorite holiday hat, elf ears, or reindeer antlers etc.
Tuesday, December 13, 2022 - CANDY CANE DAY (RED & WHITE) “I took a lick of a peppermint stick” Dress like a candy cane – wear red and white
WCS BOE Meeting 6:00 pm on Adams Street Plymouth, NC. You may come In-Person or Logon with the link.
Wednesday, December 14, 2022 - MAKE THE SEASON BRIGHT LIGHT IT UP Sparkly and bright Wear something sparkly, bright, and/or shiny
Thursday, December 15, 2022 - CHRISTMAS CHARACTER “Grandma Got Ran Over By A Reindeer” Dress up as your favorite character such as Mr. or Mrs. Claus, Elves, Reindeer, Gingerbread Man, a Snowman etc.
Friday, December 16, 2022 - SANTAS HO-HO-HO-DOWN Dress in your favorite western wear and cowboy hats and celebrate “Texas Style” Jeans!
TITLE 1 Family Night with performances by our students, updates on important information, music and refreshments. We are looking forward to have a wonderful time.
PBIS CELEBRATION with Mrs. Perry and the PBIS Committee.
WCS Board of Education has adopted a School Board Policy that each student will only be allowed to have a clear bookbag on each of our school campuses beginning in January, 2023 moving forward.
Read at least 20 minutes a day with your child or children and have them read to you. Ask them to explain to you what they have read for comprehension. Have them share with you each day what they have learned in school. It is very important to be in school each day from the beginning to the end to receive instruction. Please encourage Students who ride the School Bus to put on their seatbelt, stay in their assigned seat until it is time for them to exit the bus and to use their inside voice. Parents and Guardians please sign up to have access to PARENT PORTAL to monitor student progress and attendance. Please continue to be a CHAMPION in the lives of others everyday. Thank you and enjoy the remainder of your weekend. GO AND GROW TIGER CUBS!!