Subject: Krispy Kreme Donut Fundraiser
Date: November 14, 2023
Hello Mighty Parents and Guardians of Creswell Elementary!
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our fundraising campaign in partnership with Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. Our selling window will span from **November 20 to November 29th**. To sweeten the deal, doughnut pick-up is scheduled for **Friday, December 8th** in the Creswell Elementary Cafeteria, between **4:00 and 5:15 PM**.
To make this fundraiser a success, we require the invaluable support of dedicated parents and guardians like you. We are in need of volunteers to sell, collect (and be responsible for money), and distribute the delicious doughnuts. The proceeds generated from our fundraising efforts will directly benefit your child, providing them with essential classroom supplies and learning materials vital to their education.
By simply returning the enclosed form to your child’s teacher, along with both yours and your child’s names, you are committing to being awesome by supporting our Krispy Kreme Fundraiser. Your child will bring back to you the necessary order forms to initiate the fundraising process!
As an exciting incentive, the class that achieves the highest final sales will be rewarded with a thrilling pizza party. We extend our heartfelt thanks for your support and commitment from your Mighty CES Teachers and Principal Carmack!!!
Warm regards,
Principal Carmack and Mighty Tiger Cub Family
Creswell Elementary School
will be participating in our Krispy Kreme donut fundraiser?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No