

Good Evening Students and Parents

Tuesday at 6:00 pm will be the WCS board meeting. You are invited to join this meeting in person or virtually. There will be a link posted on the WCS website.

Wednesday, We will hold 11/30 Senior pictures in the auditorium of BCCC. Students must sign up on the link sent to their WCS email.

12/3 is the WCS Winter Bizarre at WCS Middle School/Pines Elementary. I need student and parent volunteers. If you can volunteer then, please let me know. The Early College will serving Hot Dogs, cotton candy, popcorn, hot chocolate, and beverages to everyone who attends. In addition, we will have two tents set up. One will be for our Aloe Plant sales, and the other for school supplies and clear book bags for all our students.

12/8/2022 is the Plymouth Christmas Parade. Please sign up to be a part of this year's celebration. The sign-up sheet is in the media center. If you cannot sign up, you can email wprice@wcsnc.org to register. We will be meeting early on 12/8 to decorate our float.

12/10 is our next ACT Saturday. Most early college students have signed up to participate in this event. Students that have signed up are reminded that the bus will leave Creswell at 5:30 amand the then it will leave Plymouth at 6:00 am. You must be on time for this event. This will be a great day, and we expect to return to Plymouth at 3:00and Creswell at 3:30.

Final Exams and End of Course tests begin on 12/14.

On 12/16, the Early College will take a trip to the airport for the laser light show. Interested students need to sign up on the google form that is included with their weekly update email.


The American Legion post in Plymouth has invited the early college to participate in their oratorical contest. This is a local, regional and national contest. The competition is based on five selected articles of the constitution. Each speech must be between 3 to 5 minutes long. Students that are interested in learning more should send Mr. Price an email.


Dodon'tget to check your email about Sr. pictures this week. Also, five scholarships have December deadlines that I am aware of. We have The Greenhouse scholarship, 2 Burger King Scholarships, the free speech essay contest, and the Winston Salem State University merit scholarships. December is a lighter month for scholarships, but January has at least 22 scholarships. Start working on all of these that you are interested in now. 

Also, Seniors, all BCCC exams are on 12/14 and 12/15. Please push on these last two weeks and finish the semester strong!